DAY FIVE Monday, September 27: This was one of those days that you wake up still out of it for most of the day until around the time you start drinking again. Wow, my liver hates me after this vacation. We were given a free day around the hostel so we lounged around the pool most of the day. The freezing cold water felt fabulous against my hungover head and we got some great sun-soaking time. The tour theme song was born and annoyingly, we were singing "ONE FISH TWO FISH EVERYWHERE WE GO! ONE FISH TWO FISH EVERYBODY KNOWS! WE ARE EXTREME AND WE'RE LIVING THE DREAM!" for the rest of the day. Or the remainder of the trip I should say. It was nice to have a break from waking up super early and putting massive amounts of alcohol into my body. Of course that couldn't last for too long and before I knew it, we were showering and getting ready for the "Plastic Fantastic" theme party that night. My outfit was pretty banging, if I do say so myself, although being stuck wearing plastic bags in the middle of tropical Australia is quite sweaty and uncomfortable. Daisy: "I'M WEARING ALL MY FAVORITE BRANDS, BRANDS, BRANDS, BRANDS!" Annaelle: "No you are not, you are wearing plastic bags..." (another classic Frenchie one-liner).

DAY SIX Tuesday, September 28: Disoriented wake up, I've grown quite accustomed to you after this trip. Had to say goodbyes to our amazing hostel that kept our disgusting secrets, a few pairs of shoes and my Ray-Bans. Hopefully someone else will now find my found Ray-Bans and enjoy them the way I did. It's all I can hope. We embarked to a large sailboat and more gooning began. At this point, I'm sure anyone reading this thinks we are all a bunch of alcoholics and would be repulsed by the amount of drinking. You should be. I can't believe I'm alive. Especially seeing as how me, deep water and proper breathing techniques with snorkel masks just don't go well together. I always forget how to breathe while snorkeling and have to

DAY SEVEN Wednesday, September 29: My favorite day of the entire trip! :) Although we had to wake up super early to head to the Tully River, it was totally worth it because we got to go white water rafting on Grade 4/5 rapids. Absolutely incredible! Our tour guide was a bit of a creep, but I think the entire company was just a little overly sexual because all of the rapids had sexual names like Double D Cup (where a girl lost her top once), The Climax and The Two Inch

battered and bruised from the days before, so overall it was a success. We flipped our boat, jumped off a cliff-like rock into the water, saw beautiful scenery and waterfalls and flashed some construction workers along the way. At one point the boys had to climb into our boat because they were stuck and clearly our boat of all girls were better navigators. There were a couple of points along the way where we could jump out and swim and float down the river and we stopped for a nice picnic lunch about mid-way through. The flies were a bit annoying and my arms were tired, but I would definitely give white water rafting another go.
Next, we got changed, cooled off with some ice cream and crammed back into the bus again to
head to Cairns. The drive was absolutely stunning and I didn't want to fall asleep to miss it. The plants and trees in Australia are so unique. I've never seen so many colors and shapes. We passed by a lot of sugar and banana farms and saw so many gorgeous flowers. When we arrived at our last hostel, Gilligan's, we showered up and got ready for BUNGEEEE JUMPING! On the way to Cairns I found a liquor store that actually sold normal spiced Captain Morgan (first bottle EVER in Australia) so I was ecstatic to get my drink with my real draaank. We had some liquid courage shots and boarded the double decker party bus to get to AJ Hackett. I felt like I was in a dream. We blasted loud music while dancing and taking in the hot air and cool breeze of the first night in Cairns and pumped each other up for what was sure to be one of the scariest experiences of our lives! We had a choice between bungee or the sky-swing first and it worked out I did the sky-swing first with Ali and Rhys. It wasn't really that scary at all, but still lots of

fun. By the time we were done with that, they were almost going to close down the Bungee. I would've liked one more tequila shot before taking it on, but there was no time for that and it came down to now or never. I ran up the millions of flights of stairs to the top and patiently waited my turn. Heights don't usually really scare me and I love thrill rides, but looking around at the pitch darkness and not even being able to see the water below was a bit disheartening. A ton of people had gone before me so I knew I would be fine, but jumping head first into nothingness still gets your heart racing a little bit. Luckily they don't even give you time to think when you're standing at the edge and the next thing I knew I was flinging through the air like Gumby with my boobs sliding out of my jumper. Between my shrieks people heard me shouting, "MY TITS ARE COMPLETELY OUT!" By this point in the trip, my boobs being covered was more of a shock than not so I guess it made sense for them to fall out here as well. This had to be one of the most exhilarating things I've ever done. I felt like my body parts were made out of silly-putty being stretched and pulled every which way. When I stopped whipping around, a man grabbed my wrists and pulled me onto a little a boat where I was safely brought back to shore. WOOOOO! We then returned back to the hostel and quickly got more drunk and ready for the Woolshed. I participated in a wet t-shirt contest and lost to huge breasted ladies. They were all in our group though, so go them. Probably lost some dignity, but it was a great time. Only live once, why not be stupid and crazy while having a great time. Story of my lifeeee.
Ta-ta for now x
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