I met Rachel O'Brien in first hour on the first day of 6th grade. All the boys liked her and I had a serious case of the green-eyed monster. She heard my laugh and saw my chubby rollie-pollie-ollie body running to the water fountain and thought I was handicap. Despite this fact, by the time Mr.Vigardt's homebase? (homeroom?...what the hell did we call that last hour of class?) rolled around, we had hit it off as friends. Rachel could always make you laugh. Whether it was doing an impression, making a silly face or telling a joke, she was always gushing with goofiness. We drifted apart as the years went on--different interests, new friends--the typical high school girl reasons for losing touch. I'm so sad I won't ever get the opportunity to hear one of those jokes again. I'm so sad I didn't try to rekindle our friendship or help in any way. I knew so much of what was going with her through the gossip and the grapevine (evil, high school bullshit), and never did anything to stop it. For that Rachel, I'm sorry. Just know there are millions of people that would give anything to see your smile again.
Jon Halverson and I went to school together since I was in Kindergarten. I knew who he was, but we never really crossed paths until my sophomore year and his junior year of high school. He was in my boyfriend's group of friends and started dating one of my best friends. Naturally, we all hung out all the time. Halvo introduced me to the wonderful world of marijuana. He was always down to have a good time and we let our minds take us on all sorts of crazy adventures all together. Emily and Jon went through some dark times where we didn't see them for a while. I missed her terribly, but I was surprised by how much I missed Jon as well. Over the time of hanging out, he wasn't just Polski's friend anymore--he had become my friend too. After I went away to school for a while, I got a message from Emily saying they were getting better. Treatment and support were helping them to clean up their act and I was so excited to get home to see them. The first time we all partied together back at the U of M house, they were both proud to show off their sobriety. I was thrilled. :) Every time I would go home over the past 3 years, the U of M house would bring us all together and we'd get down like the old times. Jon and Emily were always there--so in love and ready to reconnect with all their old friends. Jon would always be the first to ask how Chicago was going and catch up. The last time I saw Jon was only weeks before he died. I had come home for Easter weekend and without fail, we headed down to the U to get our party on. When I arrived, Jon was already there jersey-ed up with Bulls gear and ready to get down. We smoked a few bowls and he told us about his plans to go to culinary school, Emily's plans to move into his apartment and upcoming travel plans. I got wind of the suicide nearly 10 days later. Pure shock took over and I thought it was just a joke. A cruel joke at that. None of the boys had heard yet and it wasn't until I heard the funeral plans that it actually hit me that I wouldn't be seeing him when I went home the following weekend. All of these people's deaths are tragic, but Jon's will ache forever. We may not have been the best of friends, but we were always together. We were always around each other. He was the most incredible boyfriend to someone I love and treasure very much and a great friend to so many others. I still cry every damn time I see your picture Jon. I went to get a photo from his Facebook to include in this post and I saw that the picture above was set as his profile picture on April 5--days before his death. It just hit me all over again. Love you Jon--we're still thinking of you and missing you constantly.
xx, Amanda.