I fucking hate socks.
Maybe they keep your feet warm when it's cold outside and can sometimes make shoes more comfortable (ex. tennis shoes while working out feel better with socks), but other than that socks just suck.
Have you ever fallen asleep with socks on?
I don't comprehend how people can do that.
One time I decided to moisturize my feet with lotion and trap the moisture in with socks overnight to leave my feetsies soft and delicate.
Not only did I have trouble falling asleep, but I woke up and had a terrible day.
I fully blame the socks.
Socks under the sheets are just wrong. Plain and simple.
Like the genius that sent in the PostSecret above said, it feels as though you are putting your feet inside a foot prison trapped with heat and discomfort.
To this day, I don't think I have EVER worn socks to bed after that horrible experience a few years back.
On top of that, there is the issue of socks while doing laundry.
You don't even want to get me started on socks and laundry.
First of all, laundry is a horrendous activity in and of itself. Then dealing with the damn socks…ugh.
On average, I probably end up losing three socks every time I put in a load of laundry.
Where the hell do those fuckers disappear to?
This makes the already tedious job of matching the socks together in pairs even more of a hassle.
There are probably at least five lonely, pair-less socks floating around in my drawer at the moment.
In all fairness, socks do (usually) help with the problem of stinky feet.
Back in the day, on one of my thousands of trips to Disney World as a child, I decided to boldly show my hatred for socks and didn't wear them for a week straight with tennis shoes while running around, getting 8 year old wild at the theme parks.
My feet looked all pruney, you know, the way they get when you've stayed in the bath-tub for too long, and smelled (smelt, if we were in England) like foul fish for the following week.
That's when I learned that while there are many downfalls to socks, sometimes they are a necessity.
Hm. And that's a rant about socks.
Probably should've used that time to write my Australian Idol paper, but I think this will be a bit more enjoyable for the public to read.
That is all, xx.
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