Backtracking a bit, the ABC party was absolutely insane.
Some may say it was too insane, seeing as how it resulted in the loss of camera #2 and my leather jacket. Boo.
And possibly because there were people running around in bath mats, bubble wrap, entire showers + curtains (yes, it really happened), and other countless household supplies.

Pretty much a fail of a day besides heading to Pinewood with Sam and Daisy to consume footlong Subways, and in my case, an entire litre of milk with one extra-doughy M&M cookie.
Next it was off to try to watch Jersey Shore which turned into a 3 hour ordeal due to internet issues in Daisy's room.
Skipped out on dance because Tom had studying to do, but had a nice steak dinner (more food) with Alex and hung around with Kevin, Miguel and Nikhil for a few hours and continued to eat approximately 4 slices of pizza.
Seriously, such a whale in Australia.
Saturday was an even bigger failure than Friday.
Attempted to set an alarm for 10 am to head into the city for the day, but apparently I forgot to turn it on and ended up sleeping until noon.
Good work, Amanda.
The only noteable part of the day was Daisy making me and Sam English mac&cheese. Yummm.

We were incredibly excited to go out in the city for a night of proper clubbing, but after drinking goon while singing in my room with Jackie for a good hour and heading to the Deakin projector room for a relentless game of Arrogance where I was forced to down a glass of goon, Jameson and coke mix, and mysterious punch, I was pretty much down for the count.
[GOON = boxed wine; the only thing we can afford to drink in Oz]
Quite literally down actually. Daisy found Sam and I snuggling on the pavement outside Deakin around 10 pm, and we were both cuddling in her bed by 10:30.
So much for making it to the city at all on Saturday.
At least the early bed time got me to wake up around 7 am wondering why on earth I was in Sam's bed.
This put me on a fast track to having a productive day.
After failing miserably all weekend, I forced myself to get ready and head downtown Melbourne.
As I was not the only failure of the weekend, we had a few minor setbacks to take care of before we could go to the city.
If it was possible, Sam also had more of an epic fail of a weekend than I did. Leaving her passport, credit cards and keys on the bus the day before, Sam took me an Mary on an exciting adventure to the bus depot. The CLOSED bus depot, I may add. (Ammendment: The bus depot was not actually closed; we just went to the wrong door. FAIL).
Of course the bus depot was in the middle of nowhere, so we took a while to figure out where we were going, but got on our way and made it to Flinder's Street!
Got some Hungry Jacks and Sam realized her pump was broken. Sorry Sam, it just really wasn't your weekend.
[HUNGRY JACKS = Australia's version of Burger King]
We ran around to nearly every pharmacy on the blocks between Swanston, Little Collins and

Collins to find that not one of them sold syringes.
Apparently people are not diabetic in Australia.
We decided to just head down to Queen Victoria Market, where we had originally planned to go before all the chaos of Sam's life or death situation came about, and found a pharmacy that sold syringes.
Thankfully, no death for Samantha Efrusy on Sunday, August 22nd. The Queen Victoria Market is a huge trade market that sells everything from food to clothes to art to wigs. (I really need to get one of these wigs). We only had about an hour there before closing time, so we will absolutely be returning.
Next, it was off to the discount camera shop to pick up lucky camera #3. I got a lovely Nikon Coolpix touch-screen camera + memory card for about $150 US dollars which made me incredibly happy, but I am still going to protect this baby with my life.
After searching for a French workbook at a few book stores (I am still currently looking for an interactive French workbook that will help me to relearn French...if you have any suggestions, please send them my way), we stopped off for "the best juice in the world."
While this South American treat was quite delectable, it was not the best juice in the world.

As a spur of the moment decision, we attempted to get my face pierced, Sam's nose re-pierced (for about the 50th time) and Mary's tragus, but unfortunately everywhere was closed.
All I wanted was to come home with a camera, a French workbook and my face pierced.
1 out of 3. Rough odds.
Got some cute clothes and shoes though, and had a WONDERFUL time wandering around taking ridiculous touristy photos all about Melbourne. We even found the Melbourne version of the bean!

The Eureka Skydeck is the tallest residential building in the world, and the 5th tallest building in the world in general.
Melbourne is such a gorgeous city and seeing it all lit up at night was incredible. The lights sparkled on forever, expanding further out than my vision could even stretch.
Melbourne is such a gorgeous city and seeing it all lit up at night was incredible. The lights sparkled on forever, expanding further out than my vision could even stretch.
Exhausted and hungry, we decided to eat at this Greek restaurant called Kouzina.
We filled our bellies with delicious souvlakis and bougasta and had some bonding time.
It felt like we were sitting there for hours sharing funny stories, life lessons and crazy experiences.
Perfect end to a lovely day.
And it made the whole feeling of failure wash away.
Although I would've felt much better with two little studs next to my eyeball and a French workbook in hand.
Tata for now, xx.
It's the 50th tallest building in general, not 5th :) LOVE YOU. And I love the recap of the day. It was a fantastic one.